However, BioWare couldn't completely redesign Miranda, several of the Asari, or the Mass Effect AI icon, EDI.

Related: Why Mass Effect Legendary Edition Won't Include the Pinnacle Station DLC While there weren't always ways to change the animation to reflect those scenes, BioWare could change the camera angle to be less objectifying toward characters like Mass Effect 2 companion, Miranda. In a recent interview with BioWare developers, it was also noted that in the original trilogy, there were often scenes that didn't translate well between male and female Shepards. For plenty of players, she was the better Shepard in a lot of ways. FemShep supporters rallied around their heroine, arguing that she should get her due, and that the beauty pageant nature of voting to choose her appearance went against everything FemShep stood for as a strong, capable woman. It caused a lot of controversy among the gaming community. In the end, the votes were tallied and it seemed fans wanted a blonde version of Shepard to represent the female players, but the fact of the matter was that no version of Shepard created in the game was ever going to look the way that version did. Related: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Improves the Original Game's Awkward Elevator Sequences

For a lot of players, it seemed as though there wasn't even an option to play the game with a female heroine.

Fans had long come to know and expect male Shepard's face in the franchise's marketing and packaging, as it had not changed much over the course of the trilogy. In July 2011, BioWare began holding a contest on its official Facebook page, allowing fans to vote between six images to determine the canon appearance of the female Commander Shepard. The iconic version of FemShep fans have come to know and love only made her marketing debut with the release of Mass Effect 3, and how that came to be is just a little bit off-putting upon reflection.