In the former, their relationship was much more uneasy, mainly due to Jedi viewing the clones' Blind Obedience and My Country, Right or Wrong mentality with weariness, while clones disliked the dismissive way they were viewed and how many had died under their Jedi Commanders' watch. Clones and Jedi's relationship in Legends differ a great deal compared to The Clone Wars (and by extension the canon).Thus, clones that have just graduated from training are dubbed "shinies" due to their clean, still pristine white armor. Ace Custom: A rite of passage of sorts for clones was to customize their armor, with different paintjobs and gear.By the time of the Battle of Endor, most clones were either dead from old age or senile, and mostly forgotten by the galaxy. While many clones continued to serve the Empire for at least five more years, they were eventually eclipsed by ordinary human soldiers, with the clones eventually becoming a rare sight even in the Stormtrooper Corps. Shortly after the end of the war, the Galactic Empire mandated the cessation of clone production due to its high cost compared to simply training conscripts and volunteers. With few exceptions - mainly among genetically defective, brain-damaged, or otherwise modified clones - this order was carried out to the letter. Their equipment ranging from: standard blaster rifles and carbines to rocket launchers and LAAT Gunships.However, unbeknownst to all but the Kaminoan cloners and certain conspirators in the Republic, the clone troopers were also implanted with mental inhibitor chips that, when activated by the code phrase "Execute Order 66", caused them to kill their Jedi commanders and unquestioningly obey the orders of Chancellor-turned-Emperor Sheev Palpatine. The battalion utilized many different weapons.

Colt and Havoc were the only notable members of Rancor Battalion that were killed in action. Rancorīattalion participated in the Third Battle of Kamino, fighting alongside the 501st Legion and Commander Cody of the 212th Attack Battalion. At some point during the war, Rancor Battalion was called back to Kamino, where most of its ARC troopers would assist in picking pontential ARC trooper candidates from the recent batches of Clone Cadets.